Monday, October 19, 2009

It's a Free Ride When You Already Paid

My dear friend MacKenzie Inman once suggested that Alanis Morrissette's song "Ironic" is not really ironic, but more of just bad luck. I don't know how ironic my examples are, but I was humming Alanis's song as I discovered some funny things about my life lately.

I have run half marathons because I love running. But running half marathons makes me hate running.

It's my senior year of college. This semester, I've had the least amount of homework but have learned the most.

I beg Jeff to find ways to work more hours. When he gets called in to work a full day on a day off from school, I get mad I'm home alone all day.

We are married and still can't escape singles ward. (I actually really like being in the singles ward. But it is a little ironic.)

I watched The Biggest Loser. Then came home and ate a huge bowl of ice-cream, went to bed, and ate 4 chocolate chip muffins when I woke up.

I had to pay a $15.00 "graduation fee."

I never understood my parents were right until after I experienced what they were talking about. And they were always right.

I don't want a TV in our bedroom. Instead, we blow up the air mattress to sleep in our living room in front of the TV.

An hour of class never goes by as fast as an hour of Tyra.

We rarely get invited to go eat dinner with people on the weekdays. I also rarely ever cook dinner. Lately, on the rare occasions I decide to cook, Jeff forgets to tell me we have dinner plans.


jlthomas said...

I loved your ironies, you're always so clever Sarah! Luke loved the song.

The Stevens Family said...

haha! All of it is ironic! lol! By the way me and J.D. love reading your blog. it always makes our days and we always have a good laugh!

Kenzman said...

Oh Maj,

Good post! And I discovered that the irony really lies in Alannis calling the song "Isn't it Ironic?" Did she really want us to question if it was Ironic or not? Cuz Alannis, girl, it ain't.

The only irony in that song is that there is no irony in it. And that in itself--is sort of Ironic.

I miss you!

Abe said...

Ha ha! Those were hilarious. Part of me will never believe that you really love Tyra as much as you lead on!! Hopefully you never disprove me.

Great pictures!

LC said...

ha ha. love this. that picture came from the night me and cade got engaged. in case you forgot.

also, why in the world DOES suu feel the need to sneak in that last 15 bucks?! it's so obnoxious.