Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Definition of Baby Hungry

"The second trimester of pregnancy often marks the end of morning sickness and the beginning of the kind of insatiable hunger not often seen outside of a high school football team." What to Expect When You're Expecting

Yesterday my food intake included:

11:30 AM: Huge bowl of cereal
12:30 PM: Several brownies
2:00 PM: Eggs and toast
3:00 PM: Glazed donut
5:30 PM: A 6-inch Subway sandwich
6:30 PM: Another 6-inch Subway sandwich
7:00 PM: Another glazed donut
8:30 PM: 2 kiwis
11:00 PM: Another huge bowl of cereal

At first glance, this doesn't look like too much food. Until you realize I woke up at 11 and then had 4 nice sized meals in twelve hours with several snacks in between. First trimester is nausea, this trimester is an unquenchable appetite. I felt starving all day yesterday, but I was definitely not short on food. Pregnancy is a weird thing.

Jeff assured me the other day that my belly is getting rounder. My sister let me know a good 2 months ago that I was starting to "thicken up." I've been taking pictures of myself every week. I am 17 weeks today, but here's my picture from last week.

We get to find out what we're having on January 12th! It's getting so close. Vote on our poll what you think we're having.


Kim said...

Oh, Sarah, you're only imagining a thickening stomach and the belly protrusion is just because you ate 2 bowls of cereal, several brownies, eggs and toast, 2 glazed donuts and 12 inches of Subway sandwich all in one day. Thank goodness you had 2 kiwis to round out the meal with some fruit for the day.

You're a very cute pregnant woman. How many bathroom breaks did you need to take during all that food consumption? More than after all the food we ate in Vegas?

Kim said...

P.S. Please note I noticed your poll before I even read the blog entry and I was the first one to make a prediction. Remember that I guessed wrong in Rebecca's case, so take that for what it's worth.

Rebecca said...

Ah. Thanks for humoring me with the belly picture. Cute shirt, by the way!

I'm sure those Sub sandwiches had the meat heated to steaming, right?!