Monday, December 08, 2008

Finals Week Returns

Well, in tradition of finals week, I have made myself addicted to a game. Freshman year it was Pac-Man on the Sega Genesis. Sophomore year it was Super Smash Brothers and Pokemon Snap on the Nintendo 64. Junior year...Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 on my computer. I do this. I get really stressed out for finals week, so instead of studying I become really good at video games to numb my brain and give me an excuse to do something else. I think I remember my brother Jacob once saying something like this regarding finals, "If you don't know it by now, why try?" Probably not the exact words, but that motto is ringing true in the Thomas side of me. 

Jeff is going to be done with his Bachelor in German in one week! Next semester he decided to start working for his Masters in Accounting. He was looking at job openings last week, and there were actually quite a few positions open in Utah where they need German speaking Auditors. My accounting teachers have all said there are a million jobs open all the time for accountants. Maybe that means one day we'll have a salary instead of hourly pay. That'd be the life.

It's getting kind of fun now that Jeff and I are starting to hit our one year of dating mark. We marked our 2009 calendar with all the significant events from the last year we could remember. I'm just realizing we forgot our engagement, though. This time last year Jeff was the one numbing my brain to finals as he was trying to sweep me off my feet. I remember I was studying for my Chemistry test in the Library, and Jeff convinced me to go to Denny's with him instead of study for my test. Guess what grade I got in Chemistry..."D" is for Denny's.

We are excited to have our own Christmas tree, and start some Christmas traditions. We went and cut down a tree about a week ago, and it is pretty obvious we are both amateurs at decorating a tree. Maybe we need to hurry and have kids so we can blame them for decorating it. 


jlthomas said...

Love the tree! are those lights blue or is that just the picture?

The Stevens Family said...

Sarah you aren't giving yourselves enough credit for tree decorating... it looks fabulous! Dating and school don't go together very well when it comes to grades.. :)

sarah said...

Laurie, they are new energy saving lights. They have a bit of a blue tint to them, but they are a lot brighter than the standard Christmas lights.

JENNARD! I can't get on your blog. you need to add me. It's Unless you think I am the one leaving you mean messages...then I guess you can keep me blocked.

jlthomas said...

Wow...just wow. Not sure what else to say.
