Tuesday, October 01, 2019

A Boy's Life

After our month-long hiatus from the heat, we made our way back to Vegas and were greeted by a few extra boys! Ben and Laura were going on a trip and I had volunteered to watch their boys as a fun finish to our summer. 

As I was planning how we would spend our week, I knew the secret to our success would be 1) keep them busy 2) keep them moving 3) keep them fed. And with that, Sarah Excell's Exclusive Summer Camp for Adventurous Boys was officially in session!
Day One involved showing our visitors our favorite Las Vegas hot spot...and it's our favorite spot because it's actually not hot. Up the mountain is 20 degrees cooler, so we hit up a hike!

They worked up an appetite. Time for make-it-yourself pizza night!

Day two was filled with a morning at the splash pad...

And an afternoon at the trampoline park. My daily goal was to get them more tired than me by 7:00 PM.
We even had a little extra time after dinner this day so we went rollerblading at a park.
Of course, if you give a boy some excercise, he's going to ask for a cup of milk. And chances are if he asks for a cup of milk, he's going to need a Rice Krispy Treat to go along with it.
You know that part of the movie A Bug's Life where the ants are all chanting to themselves, "They come, they eat, they leave, they come, they eat, they leave" as the grasshoppers begin to swarm them?

You could say that's my mothering mantra, "They come, they eat, they leave."

Day whatever-this-one-was started at a nature preserve center place where they have a whole bunch of rescued birds and a few other animals you can go keep company.

The llama was a favorite.
Oh, have I mentioned Jeff happened to go out of town this same week, so I had been running the show solo? We celebrated his return with a trip to the swimming pool!

We fit one last hike into the last morning before passing the torch off to David and Mary.  
I feel very privileged to be able to say that I have eaten lunch with The Blue Man Group. 
We all wore blue shirts accidentally and that happy coincidence was the best way to end a fun week of boy bonding!

1 comment:

Kim said...

What a FUN mom/aunt you were to those boys during your adventure camp! It was amazing you were able to capture that many boys in that many photos. That in and of itself was a big feat—aside from the fact you kept them fed and busy all those days flying solo without Jeff. LOVED The Blue Man Group! HAHA!! You are always so clever in your writing.