Sunday, May 03, 2020

Jonah is Three!

We had our first quarantine birthday with Mr. Jonah! I sat down with the big boys before bed the night before and we all made pictures for Jonah to wake up to. It turned out to be a great idea because it helped the older boys to spend some time thinking about their brother and what would make him happy. Jonah loved waking up to all the pictures made special for him!
Jeff drew Jonah a picture of Gekko from his favorite show, PJ Masks. Jeff drew from a picture he found online, and as soon as he was done he proudly showed Eli and Carson his picture. Eli and Carson were quick to point out Gekko doesn't wear a cape and began incessantly questioning why he had drawn Gekko with a cape. Jeff said he was sorry and didn't mean to cause such a revolt with his picture.

Jonah came down in the morning, quietly took in the sight of the balloons, the presents, the banner, and then his eyes found our pictures. He proudly admired each one without saying a word until he got to Jeff's Gekko picture. He scrunched up his nose and uttered the first sentence of his birthday, "Why Gekko have cape on?"

Jeff really caused a stir with his drawing. Ha!

Another thing that caused a stir was one morning when we were getting ready for church. Lincoln wasn't wanting to get ready, and as I was pulling his clothes out of the closet I noticed the brand of his church shirt was "French Toast." I hadn't noticed that before and thought it was just the ticket I needed to get Lincoln to put his shirt on.

"Lincoln, come look at this! Your church shirt is a FRENCH TOAST shirt. Isn't that funny?!" I called our from the closet.

Lincoln did not come running, but Jonah did, "I want french toast!" He enthusiastically announced.
"No. I'm not making french toast. Lincoln's shirt says French Toast on it. Isn't that funny?"
"I want french toast." Jonah continued...for the next four hours.

Jonah was actually sick that day and stayed home with Jeff where Jeff listened to Jonah tell him he wanted french toast for the entire duration of church. You can guess what we had for dinner that night and you can guess what the french toast fanatic had for breakfast on his big day.
Oh, here's a close up of what Lincoln drew for Jonah. All the boys were so cute. Before they started drawing, they all said, "Hmmm...what does Jonah like? I know!..." and then the scribbling began. I just really loved seeing them put that thought and effort into something for someone else. Melted my heart.

Then it was time to open the presents! When you have a birthday in quarantine, turns out you get pretty good presents because Mom's eager to give the kids an easy boost of entertainment!
This Duplo set has been one of my most favorite toys we've ever gotten. We love Duplos and Legos anyways, but this one has a bunch of cute animals and characters that the boys have been playing with for a month straight. Major win!
His favorite animal from the set has been the whale. I don't think he understands the irony of that just yet so I'll leave that info here for older Jonah to appreciate.
We "went out" to eat for lunch on Jonah's birthday.
We had to go out because it was garbage day! Didn't want to miss a minute of the show!

I bought this little Dr. Seuss book set for like $4 on Amazon, purely because it was a good deal. Little did I know it would be Jonah's favorite gift of the day. The books came in a little box with a handle that Jonah called his suitcase. He carried that thing around with him everywhere he went all day long.
Grocery pickup was impossible to schedule and I wasn't ready to venture into a pandemic-panicked grocery store, so we skipped a cake and tried a giant cookie with ice-cream for Jonah's birthday dessert. It ended up not being Jonah's favorite, but I think I've found my new birthday dessert from now on. 

Happy Birthday to Jonah! Jonah is such a fun addition to our family. He adores all of his brothers and does an impressive job keeping up with them. He is a quick learner and is very persistent and observant when he is working on figuring out a new skill. He is a goofball and loves showing off silly antics for the family when it's dinnertime. He is brave, tough, and resilient. Whenever he gets hurt he brushes himself off and gets back to whatever he was doing. We love Jonah!

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