Monday, May 24, 2021

Easter Weekend and More Eli Lessons

We got a new couch! Just in time for General Conference viewing.
Yet somehow none of the kids ended up on the couch during our spiritual upliftment. 
Eli got busy on a paint-by-number.
Jeff hosted an Easter Egg Hunt between sessions. (He was horrified to learn I hadn't bought a lick of Easter candy when he asked the night before Easter, so he rushed to the store to bring some Easter excitement into our lives.)

I HAD planned to at least dye Easter eggs. Is that not enough?!?

Eli finished his artwork! 
At school, Eli had been having a paper airplane throwing competition. Eli had been loving the competition and had spent the entire week perfecting his plane proportions for an optimal flight path. 

Eli harnessed some of that airplane energy into a night light lesson. He printed out pictures of people and laid them on the ground as different markers for their testimonies (airplanes). Their airplanes gauged how many people their testimony reached. If their testimony wasn't quite strong enough, Eli showed them how to work on it to make it stronger and more effective to reach more people.

Another night he taught us about the wise man and the foolish man with a Lego house on a rock and on sand. 

I'm forever impressed by the clever and relatable ways Eli teaches our family the gospel. 

And I'm forever impressed by Carson's artwork. I love the details, the whimsy, and the glimpse into his busy brain. His pictures always make me smile. 

1 comment:

Kim said...

I am so impressed with Eli's Come Follow Me lessons!! Good for him for knowing how to keep the attention of his brothers while he's teaching important things.

Loved all the Easter egg coloring photos.