Thursday, October 07, 2021

2021 End of Summer Fun

Have I made it through a whole summer's worth of blogging without once titling any of my posts Summery Summary?!? I can't tell if I've grown over the years or if I've lost myself. 

We're down to the last two weeks of summer, folks. A time that shall also be known as the phase where Jonah refused to go to bed at night and instead would mischievously run around the house like a crazed animal until he finally tired himself out so much that he would put himself to sleep on the couch. Happy to say that phase was short-lived. 
We reactivated our Pogo Pass after Covid put it on pause. This allowed us to hit up SeaQuest. 

And the doctor...(unrelated to Pogo Pass...or Covid) We were just overdue for some well-child checks. I am happy to report the children are well.
However, we did learn one needs glasses!
Pogo Pass took us to our first Aviators game. 
Eli and Carson made it onto the big-screen. 
Then certain big-screen characters made it to Jonah. Just behind the Aviator guy is the opposing team's dugout. There was this one player that was standing right next to the fence, looking right towards us and repeatedly waving. I convinced myself he was waving at Jonah because...well...he's adorable and oozes a love for baseball, so it seemed as though he recognized he was a hero in Jonah's eyes and was giving him attention. 

I told Jonah, "Wave to him!" So Jonah did. Then the player kept looking and smiling and coyly made a "come here" type of gesture with his hand. I said, "Jonah! He wants to talk to you! Go say 'hi!'"

Jonah sheepishly walked over to the baseball player...just as an adult woman approached the fence. 

It became clear there was a slight misunderstanding and all the communications I thought were directed at Jonah were in fact for a girlfriend just behind Jonah. However, now Jonah was triangulating himself with the baseball player and the girlfriend because I had convinced him the player was trying to get his attention. And then Jonah stayed there waiting for the recognition he now felt he deserved. However, baseball player was blinded by love and barely even noticed Jonah's adoration. 

It was hilarious and awkward and was obviously the highlight of the evening. 

We love the kids' school! It's a STEM-focused school, so they have some neat computer, science, and technology programs. Eli did a robotics camp over the summer where he made a car. He spent a lot of time thinking about his car and perfecting it. His teacher was so nice and kept the car intact so I could see it at back-to-school night. 

Eli also got into a robotics special this year and he has chosen to be part of the competitive robotics club. Ever since he could express what he wanted to be when he grew up, he would always say, "An Electronics Maker," so it seems like he's right on track in his pursuit of that dream!

We finally made it up Mt. Charleston where certain people get mad when posing for pictures interferes with their wilderness exploration. Sorry, sir, as you were.

We celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary! We went to a Thai restaurant and then got frozen yogurt. Food is my love language, so it was an ideal way to celebrate. 
My friends told me about a hike up Mt. Charleston called Cathedral Rock. When I learned it was only 3 miles, I felt an urge to take the boys to see if they could handle the challenge. 
We found Grandma and Grandpa Thomas along the way.
We had to stop often for motivational pep talks and Jolly Rancher breaks. 
But the little dudes did it!

The bigger little dudes did it, too. I was so proud of them! 

I was amused one evening to find Jonah sleeping with a gun under his pillow. 
Eli offers to teach our Come, Follow Me lessons about once a month (usually when Jeff and I are being too slow and he's anxious to get to the Sunday movie and popcorn). He always comes up with something, cute, captivating, and creative. 
Our last big hoorah was going to Cowabunga Bay. Eli and Carson were sick, so I just took the little guys. We met up with Torrie and Melissa to celebrate Dex's birthday. 

We made it through another Vegas summer (mostly by running away to Utah). It was so nice to be able to get out and do things again after being cooped up last summer! 


Kim said...

Jonah sleeping on the couch is too adorable! Eli looks good in his glasses. So proud of all the boys making the hike--and finding G&K along the way. Cute photo of you and Jeff on your anniversary. Cute photos throughout of your darling boys.

Fernando Solis Eguiza said...

El NiƱo Y Tu Pilin