Sunday, January 18, 2009

The College Blues

We made it through another Christmas break, and it's back to the books. I had a bit of an emotional breakdown the last day of the break because I was not excited to go back to school. I decided to tough it out and wake up for class Monday morning. Surprisingly, I am enjoying my classes and my new schedule this semester. I am finally in two marketing classes, and they are keeping my interest so far.

Jeff has joined the Accounting Club. This club sets up activities for accounting majors, and it gives them the opportunity to meet with different accounting firms. He went to his first meeting last Thursday. He is working on the prerequisites for his Masters now. We are both so busy that it's even getting hard to find time to play our Wii. I can't wait for summer!

We applied for Grants at the beginning of Fall Semester, and we were anxious to see if they would still give Jeff a Grant for Spring semester even though he technically graduated in December. I was so excited when he told me over Christmas break that the Grant did go through for this semester. Then the other day Jeff checked to see how much he owed after the Grant, and saw that the school had caught us. They took the Grant away, so we're stuck paying the whole tuition.

The Government also caught us using my parents' health insurance for birth control, and they took that away as soon as 2009 rolled in. $62.00 a month isn't going to fly for a few pills. Let's see...Nine months of pregnancy would save us $558...Hmm...

I guess we're going to have to start being responsible for ourselves, and stop relying on the government. I told my mom and sister right after I got married that we were going to try to take advantage of all the government programs for poor people while we could. Looks like that isn't going to work for us for very much longer.

On a lighter note-Jeff pulled a muscle in his back by trying to lift me up off the couch. Ha. I tried to warn him I'm a lot heavier than I look, but he didn't believe me. All day in church today he was grunting any time he had to move. Grabbing the hymn book seemed to do the most damage. Oh, my little muscle man.


The Stevens Family said...

Thats too bad about health insurance and the grant.. being poor and living off the government isn't soo bad.. I can tell you all about it :) I definitely think you should get pregnant! lol!

Ben, Tana, B.A., and Dirk said...

If you still want to be on birth control you can go to the health department and see if you can get into family planning. Birth control costs $111.00 for a twelve month period. With family planning though they only have so many slots, and you can't have insurance. It is cheaper than paying the whole amount.

LC said...

oh please nine months of pregnancy would save $$.

when I was in Utah County this weekend, I saw the cutest carseat in the world that I want to get someday when I'm on the "saving money with pregnancy" plan. the carseat was 178 dollars..

being alive is expensive. pregnant or not. but..i'd prefer if you were pregnant. so..go right ahead excell!

jlthomas said...

Sounds like you don't have a lot of time or money. We'll solve both of your problems. We'll buy your Wii for $50. We'll even pay shipping.