Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Sunday Comic


Rebecca said...

Genius! I love it! Wait 'til you have a baby and your husband is all, "Wow! Our daughter slept through the night!" Nevermind that you were up six times with the little critter!

Susan said...

Sarah, hit it on the nail head. I need to make sure Tricia reads ALL of your comics. She is already seeing things, Im not sure she is ready for. Isn't married life, the best?! At least you are going with it, with a sense of humur. LOL.
And I'll bet Will WAS the messy roommate.

LC said...

Ha Ha. I love this! It's so true. This morning Cade was like "Our apartment just stays so clean!" And I was like yes. It just "stays" so clean. By itself.. Right.

jlthomas said...

I don't get it.
