So remember how I'm taking a picture of my belly every week to prove to baby number three that it is loved just as much as the first two? Well I missed a week. Read into that however you want, third child. But take into consideration that I was sick and puking my guts out and it would have been really confusing to see me lose my belly on week 18 and then have it reappear week 19. So I spared the confusion and skipped a week.
The morning I hit 20 weeks, I got this friendly reminder on my phone:
Not that I needed to be reminded of the big news happening this week. I already had a party in the works!
I was doing pretty good about not focusing a lot of my attention on debating whether or not this baby would be a boy or a girl. In fact, I was kind of relishing in not knowing, because it was kind of fun to be able to daydream about the possibility of having a girl without officially knowing it wasn't a girl.
But the week of our ultrasound, I went full crazy. I was completely consumed in thinking about what we would have, and imagining life with either another little boy or a little girl. I was just ready to know and dying to have to spend the week waiting.
I deep cleaned my house. Organized all the toys. Hand scrubbed the floors. Vacuumed the dust off the fans. Cleaned out every closet in the house. Washed our window seat covers. Washed all our curtains. And that was all before 12:00 in the afternoon on my first day of dealing with my overwhelming nervous energy.
The next day I spent the day going way overboard on party planning. I made flags. I made a party logo. I made a backdrop. I made food. I was running around the house with an inextinguishable energy that would only be dissolved once I knew what we were having.
Needless to say, I didn't sleep much the night before our appointment. My sister asked me just before the appointment how I was feeling and my response was, "I fear I've set myself up for a public emotional breakdown."I was so nervous because I had no idea how I would really feel if it came down to finding out we were having another boy. As I kept spewing texts off to my sister, I also said, "It's mostly just comical now if it's another boy." I tried to keep that mentality going into the appointment.
The baby was healthy and adorable and it was so fun to see little fingers and toes, and we had the information we needed to carry on with the evening's plans!
I made a little photo booth area for people to cast their votes on whether they thought we were having a boy or a girl. Eli and Carson were firm in their guesses. Eli was sure it was a boy and Carson was persistent it was a girl.
My mom voted boy.
My friend Ashlee was rooting for pink.
Bryan was a boy vote, Celeste a pink.
I think Joe and Kenz felt they would be betraying me if they didn't vote girl.
The Golden family was split.
And the Cox family knows just how desperately we need more girl cousins on the Excell side.
Becky took a moment to show off her perfectly colored pink and blue pumpkin dessert.
The Thomas cousins have been quite liberal lately with their impromptu, mostly cooperative group shots.
My dad has been traveling for work and had told me he would barely not be able to make it to the party. Well you can imagine how surprised I was to see him make a grand entrance! It was such a fun, completely unexpected surprise!
When we were nearing time for the reveal, we Facetimed Abe and gave him the opportunity to officially make his prediction.
We also let Jacob be a virtual guest.
With everyone tuned in and anxious to know the fate of our family, we prepared for the reveal.
Excuse my blurry pictures. I still love the excitement you can sense in all these shots despite the poor quality. We revealed by letting everyone pick either a pink or a blue balloon. On the count of three we had everyone try to blow up their balloon...
The wrong color had little holes poked in the balloons, so they didn't stay blown up.
Because not many people chose the blue balloons, everyone looked to my dad to confirm the blue balloons were staying blown up.
It became very clear the pinks were deflating and the blue...was definitely not.
A THIRD BOY! Is anyone surprised? :) You'd think Eli would have been more excited his prediction was right.
We have just started weening him off his naps and this means he has a strict 7:00 bedtime. This was at about 7:20, and Eli was in full meltdown mode. Poor kid was so tired. It had nothing to do with you, little bro!
You want to know the weird thing? I have been completely, totally, 100% fine, happy and excited about another boy. What? This was totally unexpected. When we found out at the doctor that it was a boy, I just laughed and found the whole thing funny. And then as I saw his little heart pumping, and his little legs kicking, I didn't even care whether it was a boy or girl, I just had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude that he was healthy and I already felt so much love for him.
I went on a walk right after we got back from our appointment and I was smiling the entire way. Then as I was getting ready for the party, I was still totally thrilled to be telling everyone we were having another boy.
I had visions of our three boys being the best of buds and playing sports together and having funny little inside jokes with each other. I imagined them all being into the same things and loving to have other brothers to always do things with. I imagined them in high school, trying to figure out girls with each other. I imagined sending them off on missions. Everything I saw for our future was fun and exciting, and I think our boys are going to be really close and have so much fun together.
I can honestly say I am not at all disappointed. Which is weird because I was disappointed with Carson, so I thought it would be even worse this time, but I think I've already mourned the potential possibility of never having a girl and I'm just ready to raise my herd of boys now. Bring 'em on!
Great play-by-play of the evening! Thanks for hosting such a fun party. We're excited for boy #3!
It was a wonderful party. Your decorations were so cute.
I'm so glad your father showed up for the big reveal because he definitely proved without a doubt that you are having a boy with that gigantic balloon he blew up.
I love the pictures of your brothers' cell phone gender predictions. I love your acceptance of your future of raising all boys. Mostly I love your expressions of love about the little life you are carrying inside of you. He is a lucky little boy to have you for his mother.
And I should add to have Jeff for his father. You are both awesome parents!!
What a marvelous blessing to be having another boy. I love how you can envision the future of your boys together. I had a great time being there and enjoyed all the excitement. We love all of your family.
Cute cute party. I expect nothing less from you. Congrats on boy #3 coming soon!
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