Sunday, November 03, 2019


The best thing about Las Vegas is its endless supply of parks. This is one of our favorites. Lincoln is wearing his electricity soccer ball shirt which reminds me of my favorite thing he says right now. Whenever he is trying to say electrocute (which is more often than one would think), he says electro-cutie. I love it every time I hear it. 
Here's another electro-cutie minus the electro. 
And another one!
I'm not sure why my phone blurred Jeff out, but it's currently my favorite picture of us....or at least it was until we made things right with this picture.

My favorite hike!
Carson had been begging us for donuts, so one Sunday I mustered up the energy to make them. Fun for all! Until my floor was covered in flour. But right up until that moment it was buckets o' fun. 

Jonah's TV viewing positions are often endearing. 
Carson's school projects are also often endearing. I gave him a hard time because he wrote "loves dad" on his list of things about him but not "loves mom." 
I also particularly loved, "never sleepy." He knows himself well. Another cute thing about Carson is he LOVES art. He has an art class at school every week and for the first month of school he always made sure to wear his "creative" t-shirt for art day. 
Here's another hike! 
Look! Vegas has green things if you know where to look for them. 

 Please note all the sticks my boys are holding. They are weapons and/or tools. My boys could turn absolutely any wilderness item into a weapon or a tool and were constantly in caveman survival mode for the entire duration of our outdoor excursion. (Carson has a wrench.)
Gun. Obviously. 
Tool crafting station. 

That's a wrap! 

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