Sunday, December 29, 2019

Santa Clauses Coming to Town

It wasn't until this Christmas that we realized last Christmas was such a bust. We had a hard time with the holiday season last year because we had just moved into our house, we were trying to make friends, trying to get settled, trying to learn our way around a new place, and trying to paint an entire house. There wasn't much extra time for adding in all the things that make December feel like Christmas. 

This year was much different. We had enough time and energy this year to fit in some of our favorite traditions like making ornaments, building gingerbread houses, decorating sugar cookies, and participating in Light the World. 

It's been nice to have a second chance at Christmas in Vegas. This year it actually started to feel like we were home for the holidays in our new location. 
We finished off the year with Eli's last day of Cub Scouts. They did a rain gutter regatta and it was fun for everyone who wasn't in charge of my three youngest children. Let's just say the night ended with Carson flailing around in the backseat of our van like a dinosaur trapped in a jeep at Jurassic Park. Sounds and visuals identical.
My running buddies and I spent a Saturday morning downtown running in Santa suits. Because who doesn't say, "You know what would make running even more fun? Running in a Santa suit!"
We revisited Fremont Street. The street I had gone to sight-see one year earlier with my roommates and the place where I had vowed I would never again return. When I came the first time, I was so shocked by the weirdos in questionable clothing who were obviously drugged, and were looking put it harshly...hoes.

On my revisit, reality hit me as I innocently traipsed down Fremont street. With each lingering stare from passersbys, I became more aware of my questionable clothing. I found myself drugged with runner's high. And it slowly donned on me put it harshly... I was looking like a ho, ho, ho. I had become the Fremont Street weirdo.

Turns out it's fun being a weirdo! Especially when it's for a good

Santa followed us to the ward party that evening. Lincoln was in awe.
 Jonah was terrified.
Carson was skeptical but was quickly convinced otherwise. 
 And Eli was only in it for the free candy cane.
 I made new ties for the boys for Christmas. Here they are simply having a wonderful Christmas tie.

Here's Jonah trying to persuade Santa of his innocence.
 Oh look, I even got a close-up! Hey, a girl's gotta update her profile pictures every once in a while.
 A lesson learned this month is that a stray jar of peanut butter cannot be trusted in the vicinity of this little knife-licker.
 Watch the evolution of a boy who was mad to be caught into a boy with no shame in his indulgences.

We hit up a few of the last things on our Pogo Pass one weekend when we had nothing else on the calendar. It was at the Lion Habitat Ranch where I learned my boys would for sure never make it in the world on survival instincts alone seeing as they have zero sense of danger.
It was also there where I learned giraffes can paint? With the help of coolers full of romaine lettuce for bribery. Also, how does romaine lettuce give a giraffe enough calories to grow into a giant animal? This was more puzzling to me than the painting thing.
It was also here where I learned male lions prefer to urinate across walkways instead of in their territory. So if you are standing on said walkway, you run the risk of being peed on by the king of the jungle. For those who are wondering, someone now has some good ammo for the next time he plays the game "Two Truths and a Lie."
Caps! Caps for sale! Fifty cents a cap!
 Also on our Pogo Pass was Uptown Jungle which paired perfectly with our lion adventure.
We'll end right here with Carson's Christmas-card-worthy artwork he brought home from school.

1 comment:

Kim said...

So many punnies in this post. Loved every one of them—probably the ho, ho, ho one the best. So funny reliving your visit to Fremont Street a year later dressed in a Santa suit. Ho, ho, ho funny!!