Sunday, August 03, 2008

No News is Good News...We've Got News

Aye Yi Yi! Nobody said getting married was easy. We have hit a couple rough patches over the last couple of weeks.

The Bad News:
Last Friday, exactly one week before the wedding, my mom went into surgery for her barely functioning gal bladder.
The Good News:
She can sit instead of stand in our line.

The Bad News:
Our hotel room got "over-booked" at Lake Powell. Everywhere else is sold-out. And Jeff still isn't up for the Dude Ranch idea.
The Good News:
We are going to Disney Land now! And we are paying the same price for a way nicer hotel. And we don't have to switch hotel rooms. And we are trying to get free rooms out of the hotel that kicked us out a week before we got there.

The Bad News:
My family is suffering from bee stings, sunburn blisters, and other visible injuries.
The Good News:
I will be looking really good next to them.

The Good News:
Even with the little bumps along the way, the wedding is still on!
And our picture was in the newspaper today, so I guess there's no turning back now.

1 comment:

Klabraham said...

Are you going to wear the Minnie ears with the bridal veil around the theme parks?

I wonder who is going to show up to the reception in Cedar City now that the entire town knows the location and date- can't wait to meet everyone!