Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chain Reaction

Here I am. With really long hair. I have been wanting a haircut for quite a while but I've been putting it off.

Here is Kelly Ripa-who I have been religiously watching on Regis and Kelly for the past 2 weeks because she is adorable.

Yesterday I thought, "Kelly has cute hair. Maybe I should cut my hair like Kelly's." I was off to the salon at 3:00.

I swore I would never give my hair to locks of love again because I always end up butchering it. I had no intention of donating it, but the lady who cut my hair said it ended up being long enough to donate after all. It's nice to finally change my do.


jlthomas said...

I love it Sarah, it looks so cute!

Rebecca said...

What? You had enough hair to donate and your hair is still that long?

I'm mad you didn't wait for Thanksgiving break to get a haircut. You know I need one, too. (Oh wait, I'm not going to see you over Thanksgiving.)

It looks really cute!

Rebecca said...

P.S. I'm glad you're styling your hair after Kelly and not your other TV love...Tyra. Some of her do's are crazy!

LC said...

ah. you mom!
i know we talked about this earlier, but you really are pregnant if you're cutting your long hair short.

i love it however! it looks really good. i can't wait to see it in person on our date this week.

Kim said...

You know I like it when you go get your hair cut and I can really tell you got it cut. This time I can really tell. Good job!

My first thought was what Rebecca wrote that you had enough to donate and still have a good length left. I'm glad you shared that gorgeous hair with someone in need.

Your hair is very cute--now when are you going to get your spray tan to look even more like Kelly?

Anonymous said...

SO CUTE!!! I love it!

Kenzman said...

Sarah! It's so cute! I love it. And I am secretly happy you cut your hair because it was much TOO gorgeous. I was jealous every time I saw you! Now we can be short hair friends again!