Sunday, December 19, 2010

What I've Learned From Being Poor

Jeff and I always joke that we have to experience being poor now so we will appreciate the millions of dollars we'll be making in the distant future. I thought I'd write down a few things I've learned from being poor so that when we're millionaires I can look back and reminisce of these younger, poorer years.

The most effective diet I've ever been on is the "I can't afford that" diet.

Great Value and Suave manage to get the job done.

Any grimy old apartment can become a nice little home with enough 409.

Marrying a husband with mechanical skills is the best investment I've made so far.

Yahtzee can provide many a date night.

There is always room in the budget for internet.

It's more fun to call unemployment a vacation.

Babies will develop just fine even if they don't have all the latest educational toys and videos available.

New clothes become unheard of, haircuts unnecessary, toilet paper used sparingly and deodorant a luxury.

But most of all, I've learned no matter how poor we've been, somehow we've always been able to make ends meet. Somehow there are still Christmas presents under the tree and nice meals on the table.

I'm grateful for all the things we've learned from being poor, but I can't help but feel like we've paid our poor man dues. So bring on that million dollar job!


The Stevens Family said...

I love this post! Everything is so true! The only other thing I can add is that 95% of the people we hang out with are in the same exact boat! OH and it's amazing how you accumulate things for free

Rebecca said...

"Babies will develop just fine even if they don't have all the latest educational toys and videos available."

You're ready to admit Eli is developing just fine?