Sunday, January 07, 2018

Jonah 7 + 8 Months

Let's hear it for the Jonah man!

This guy turned 7 months old. And then before I knew it he was 8 months old. And he's already threatening to turn 9 months old. Funny how that works. 
My lack of blogging has fogged my memory. So here's an overview of the last 2 months of his life as I can no longer separate his milestones into each respective month's achievements:
  • He claps! At everything. At everyone. It's his favorite form of communication. 
  • He has also grown quite amused by the hand motions for "all done" and "more" though he uses them with a high level of inaccuracy. 
  • He may not be able to hand motion "all done" but I swear he tries to say it!
  • Carson ran out of the room and said, "Bye, bye!" And then Jonah said, "Ba, ba." in a mimicky voice that was heartwarming. 
  • Favorite food is sweet potatoes. Hates bananas.
  • Wakes up one time at night. Two good naps during the day.
  • Adorably overuses the word, "Dada." Most adorable is when I sit down with him to practice saying "Mama" and he laughs at me while shouting "Dada!" as if he knows exactly what he's doing to me. 

The older Jonah looks the less I think he fits the cookie cutter mold of our other boys. I believe it's his eyes that are so unique to him. Jeff wanted me to find one of my baby pictures earlier in the month, so I hunted one down on my mom's blog. There I found a picture of me that made me shout, "Jonah has my eyes!" What do we think? Do you agree? Or am I just living in denial that I've grown another Jeff clone? One of 'em has to have a little of me in them, don't they?!? :)
That's the latest on Mr. Jonah. Stay tuned for the fast-approaching sequel: Jonah 9 + 10 Months. 

1 comment:

Kim said...

Your photos of Jonah each month are sweet. I love them. I love him. So glad you are claiming him as your own (the eyes have it, according to you). As for me, I will still maintain all your children look like Jeff.