Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Video of the Growing Belly

It's only been about four weeks since I had Eli but I can't even remember having a huge belly. I still remember the heartburn and frequent bathroom breaks, but all my other pregnancy experiences are a distant memory.

Eli has recently discovered his hair. He pulls on his hair, and then he gets mad because it hurts him. But he won't let go. He reminds me of a dog chasing its own tail. Or a monkey who gets trapped by sticking its hand in a small hole to grab something sparkly, and it could run free if it would just let go of the sparkly item, but it is too stubborn to let go so it just sits there trapped.

And here's just a couple cute pictures of how Eli spends his time when he's not pulling out his hair.


The Chappells said...

He's so cute. Congrats again!

Rebecca said...

I love the pictures, especially the thinking one. So funny.

jlthomas said...

That's funny that he pulls his hair, let's hope he doesn't eat it too! I loved the video! It's so not fair that you can't remember that belly, I still remember because it's not all the way gone yet. :)
And cute Eli pictures!

Kim said...

That was a very cute video--especially the credits at the end. I sure think you have thinned down as fast as the video showed--you lucky girl! And what cute pictures of baby Eli. I can't wait to see him in person once again.

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty sweet video.. and Eli is looking adorable! We need to get together soon.

Glen said...

The video was impressive. Who put it to music? Or is that what you do once you have graduated from college?