Thursday, July 08, 2010

Do You See What I See

Eli has been cracking me up with his eyes lately. Any time he goes from a light room to a dark room or for some reason every time we lay him down to change his diaper, we see this cute little face:
Each time it happens I can't help but get flashbacks of my darling niece Brooke in her younger years:
My mom keeps saying her grandkids don't really look like the Thomas side. I think I found the hidden Thomas gene.


Rebecca said...

Ha! I'm laughing about this. Just wait until you go to the grocery store and Eli freaks out the cashier because he's "giving her a weird look".

I'm happy Brooke isn't the only wide-eyed-wonder in the family. The good news is Eli will likely grow out of this trait (or into it, depending on how you look at it...) by age three.

Kim said...

Funny baby! I guess we'll claim any gene we can get...?

Glen said...

I for one happen to like the BIG EYES!!! You at least know when they are looking at you.