My sister told me she was planning to chop off all her hair. I gasped, "WHAT?!? Your long, beautiful hair that you just learned how to curl so perfectly? Why would you want to chop it all off?!?"
"I'm sick of it." She told me. "I'm always fighting against it when I'm holding my kids and it gets yanked on and I'm ready to donate it again."
We've done this before, you know. Maybe you don't know. But now you know we've donated our hair at the same time once before. Then we bonded when our creepy Locks of Love gratitude cards came in the mail.
I hung up the phone appalled for so many reasons. First, I couldn't believe she was going to chop her hair. Second, I couldn't believe she was going to do it WITHOUT ME!
She called me after it was done and told me how liberating it was to not have her hair constantly tangled in baby fingers. She told me she felt light and free.
The next week I noticed all the times Carson yanked on my hair. When I unsuspectingly found a short hairstyle I thought was adorable (ignore that Nicole Richie is the one sporting it):
I decided it was time to follow in my sister's footsteps and chop the required 10" off my hair for Locks of Love.
Anyway, hair grows. Here's my real dilemma: My ponytail has been haunting me.
It's been (I kid you not) sitting on my kitchen counter for the last week. I've been busy and haven't had the time to send it away to Locks of Love. And perhaps my subconscious is putting off finding that...delightful card in my mailbox.
With my deceased ponytail staring at me, one night I googled "sell my hair."
Twenty minutes later I discovered I could make around $200 for my locks.
So now I'm torn. I feel like a terrible person if I don't give my hair away. But hey...200 bucks. That could ease my conscience. Tell me you won't judge me if I don't give my hair to some poor, innocent child suffering a hair loosing disease who really needs my hair.
Or there's Option C -- Save my hair for when I inevitably get cancer and need a wig. Then my wig will be made out of my own hair! How awesome would that be?
Who knew getting a haircut was such a character assessment? I have a feeling my hair is going to be spending a few more weeks in the kitchen until I get this all sorted out.