Wednesday, June 28, 2017

California Rat Pack

My parents had meetings on Tuesday so we journeyed up to Newport without them. We were on the hunt for starfish in the tide pools. 

We saw hundreds of crabs...
 and little else.
But the boys had fun hopping around the rocks trying their darndest not to slip in a pool.

We resorted to playing in the sand after our efforts to find sea life proved to be in vain.

Lincoln found his zen by becoming one with the sand.

Then we found a park called "Top of the World Park."

We met up with my parents at Chuck-E-Cheese's. As we were telling Eli our dinner plans, he wisely said, "The worst part about Chuck-E-Cheese's is Chucky." We preferred the rat to stay in his hole, but he did make one unwelcome appearance during our visit.

Eli found some game that you had to hit with a hammer just right to get into a target. He managed to get the jackpot once...
but experienced much more rounds of visible disappointment.
These little cheesers got their prizes and left a little more possessed than they were when they went in.


Kim said...

Now we know what we missed while you were playing and we were working. The boys with their plastic teeth made me laugh. Carson's eyes. Hilarious!!

Rebecca said...

I'm laughing about "the worst part of Chuck E. Cheese is Chucky." Ha! Truer words have never been spoken!