Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Stories of Jeff Excell - Top 3

I distinctly remember being in my car with Kenz in the library parking lot when this story of Jeff Excell unfolded. Somehow Jeff's name had casually slipped its way into our conversation like it always did.

I started thinking about Jeff. I had recently met his younger brother, Bryan, at church. When I tried to pry Bryan for dirt on Jeff by asking him to tell me all the horror stories of their childhood (expecting something similar to my childhood full of headless Barbie dolls, slender fingers constantly making me aware of my chubby ones, and endless name calling), Bryan said, "Jeff is the nicest brother I could ever ask for. He actually let me borrow this sweater today."

Unheard of! I continued to pry, but Bryan could not think of one bad memory of his older brother. Wow.

I thought of how he was always at all three hours of church, and how he seemed to get a kick out of me and my roommates. I remembered how he made the library a new adventure every day and always made studying fun.

Suddenly these words escaped my mouth, "You know, Jeff Excell is probably one of my top ten favorite people... No, he's probably top five... Actually, I would say he'd even make the top three." Kenz laughed and agreed. Jeff Excell was (and is) such a kind, fun, overall great guy.

The rest of the way home I remember thinking, If Jeff Excell is one of my "top three," why do I not like him as more than just a friend?

And that is the pivotal moment when I realized I was in fact starting to like Jeff Excell as more than just a friend.


Melissa Smith said...

I love it! Keep it going I want to get the whole sch-peal!

Rebecca said...

"Bryan could not think of one bad memory of his older brother."

Aside from the whole chubby fingers debate, I'm sure you could say the same about me, right?! I was the PERFECT big sister - always an angel. Just ask Mom and Dad.

Jeff Excell said...

Bryan must have forgotten about a certain incident involving frozen underwear...

Kenzman said...

Chubby fingers!! ha! Uhm I totally remember when we were ranking our favorite people. How totally, rude were we... putting people on these top 10, top 5, lists!! "Sorry Susie so and so-- you didn't make the list this year! Better luck next time..."