Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Sunday Comic


Glen said...

So Sorry about Billy. Can't say I didn't see that one coming.

Doesn't the pet store offer some kind of a guarantee?? Seems they would but then again, they would go broke if everyone took care of their fish like some people we know.

Should we put our flags at half staff???

Have a great day.

Rebecca said...

So is Sunday Comics your weekly thing? If so, I love it.

Ummm, Jeff, I'd watch your back. With so many things "accidentally" dying around your place, I'd keep an extra eye on Sarah...

Susan said...

Sarah, I keep telling you that you shoudl be a writer. Like I said earlier, your calling is to be a comedy sitcom writer.
Keep it up! You are hysterical.
By the wa, if you want Trish and I to be a "friend". our blog address is