Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cap and Gown

We spent a few days down in Cedar last weekend for Jeff's graduation. Eli warmed right up to Jeff's parents. I've never seen Eli sit more contently than when David is holding him.
We went to Jeff's commencement ceremony on Friday. Eli was kind of a stinker so I missed...the whole thing. But at least he was good at the restaurant afterwards!
Sadly this is the best picture we got of the three of us:
My parents came down for the big event.
You better believe we sat close enough to high five the new grad as he walked by us Saturday morning.
Luckily Eli cooperated just long enough to let everyone see Jeff walk. Congrats Jeffy!
Proud, happy parents but a tired grandpa. He was nice enough to wrestle Eli out in the hall for the last half of the ceremony.
Prime picture taking spot. Go T-birds!

Ha. I love this picture. Jeff's walking away from SUU. With his Master's Degree. Pushing a baby. With a wife. And a job. You were good to us SUU. We wanted Jeff to wave but he "refused to do an action shot."
And now on to me. I can't make this post all about Jeff and his great accomplishments can I? Sunday was my very first Mother's Day! It was such a great day for me. Jeff let me sleep in, he took Eli all during church and then I came home to a surprise gift from my sweet little baby (and husband):
Jeff had Eli draw me a picture. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I loved it so much. Jeff got me some itunes gift certificates which was appropriate because I had just been reminded in church not to download music off the internet without paying for it. I've been dying to download new songs but I haven't been able to justify spending the money on it so I've been listening to the same songs for the last two years. Thanks for the perfect gifts family!
Jeff got his mom some chocolate and a card.
Eli and I got some quality time together on Mother's Day as the men fixed us dinner and cleaned up. We played outside. I was grateful for a few minutes to reflect on motherhood with him.

On the way home we saw one of the most beautiful rainbows I've ever seen. We had a really fun, relaxing time visiting Cedar City.


jlthomas said...

Congratulations Jeff! And happy late first mother's day Sarah! And Eli, nice picture!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day and congrats to Jeff!!

Kim said...

Cute pictures of the big graduate and then the little, mini graduate. Great rainbow shot.